About the Project
The Voice for Green Change Partnership (V4GCP) Project, funded by the European Union, and implemented by Handicrafts Association of Bhutan, in partnership with national and international CSOs, aims to create an enabling environment to transition to a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient economy by facilitating civic engagement and sustainable production in the Cottage and Small Industries/Small and Medium Enterprises (CSI/SME) sector through strong participation in governance and development.
Objectives of the Voice for Green Change Partnership (V4GCP) Project:
1. To stimulate stronger and effective collaboration between CSI/SME membership organizations, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Parliament committees, national and local governments, media, and other relevant players, influencing agenda-setting and policy design;
2. To improve CSI/SME membership CSOs’ service delivery to voice concerns of local producers and communities, and supporting a local thriving green economy; and
3. To strengthen the capacities of CSI/SME membership organizations to have a greater voice as advocates, to effectively serve the interest of members to become greener, more inclusive and resilient.