Tröko is a much sought-after craft in Bhutan because it produces beautiful, eye-catching and precious ornaments such as brooches (koma), necklaces (bjuru), bangles (dopchu), earrings (sinchu), rings (zuki), pendants and amulets (sungkhobs) that Bhutanese women particularly love to wear. Though Bhutanese jewelry making is not prolific, Tröko makers produce spectacularly artistic objects, mostly in gold and silver, elaborately embossed, engraved or filigreed with good fortune symbols and other traditional motifs such as the dragon and the lotus. Often set with precious stones such as Dzi, also called Tiger’s-eye, corals and turquoise, as well as pearls, Bhutanese people consider such examples of traditional ornamentation highly prized family heirlooms.
Other prized examples of Tröko include both rectangular and round betel-nut-and-leaf containers known as chaka (rectangular ) and bathra (round); lime containers called trimi, and an array of religious ritual objects, altar tables, swords decorated with silver buckles used by nobility; sword scabbards of beaten gold and silver; and ceremonial belts for men, called kochab.