
Lessons Learned from Europe

Why visit ALDA?

The Handicrafts Association of Bhutan (HAB), as the coordinator of the V4GCP project, visited our project partner ALDA, acronym for the European Association for Local Democracy, based in Italy, from May 11-26, 2024.

ALDA is dedicated to promoting good governance and citizen participation at the local level within the European Union, its neighbourhood, and beyond. Their work in local democracy, active citizenship, and cooperation between local authorities and civil society is carried out through participative methods and decentralized cooperation. With a core mission of building bridges between local authorities and communities, ALDA plays a pivotal role in fostering dialogue and collaboration that transcends borders. This commitment positions ALDA as a local facilitator with global impact, illustrating how grassroots activities can catalyze transformative change on a global scale. ALDA’s experience was highly relevant for the V4GCP project, funded by the European Union under the theme “CSOs as Actors in Governance and Development.”

ALDA General Assembly and Festival

The HAB team also attended ALDA’s General Assembly and Festival from May 13-15, 2024, held in Barcelona, Spain. The event saw a gathering of numerous ALDA members, including local authorities, associations of local authorities, and civil society organizations from more than 54 countries across Europe. The event, themed “Local Democracy for Global Impact,” allowed attendees to explore synergies between local and European levels of governance, fostering cooperation between citizens and local and regional authorities.

The three-day event provided an immersive experience through engaging and thought-provoking programs and interactions. It covered key topics closely related to ALDA’s Thematic Hubs, including citizen engagement, migration, gender equality, human rights, youth engagement, digitalization, and territorial approaches to local development. These various programs provided the HAB team with opportunities to learn best practices from the participants.

The HAB team also shared its V4GCP project with the gathering, emphasizing the need for good policies to ensure the green and sustainable development of the private sector in Bhutan. The key takeaways for the V4GCP project team from this event were learning best practices in participatory and local democracy, citizen engagement, and territorial approaches to local development (TALD).

Meeting with ALDA Members and other Stakeholders

The HAB team also had the opportunity to meet several ALDA member organizations and other stakeholders related to governance and development.

Meeting with Confartigianato Vicenza, Italy

The HAB team met with Confartigianato Vicenza, based in the city of Vicenza in Northern Italy. This association represents 14,000 companies and aims to protect and promote the values of craftsmanship, small businesses, and economic associations. Confartigianato Vicenza supports the development of the territory and the processes of societal and economic evolution. The association’s roles include representing its members and protecting their interests, providing them with information, assistance, and consultancy, supporting the start-up of new businesses, and encouraging modernization and continuous entrepreneurial innovation.

The HAB team learned valuable ways to engage businesses through participatory governance and social dialogue, which are crucial for developing a sustainable and competitive economy. Confartigianato Vicenza acts as a natural bridge between the government and the private sector, facilitating communication and cooperation.

Meeting with Deputy Mayor of the City of Vicenza, Italy

The HAB team was also honored to meet the Deputy Mayor of the City of Vicenza. The Deputy Mayor shared experiences of participatory governance and how the municipality engages its citizens to address issues and challenges faced by the city. This approach fosters a collaborative environment where residents actively contribute to the decision-making process.

During their visit, the HAB team was given a tour of the City Council Assembly Hall. In this hall, the elected representatives of the city deliberate on public issues and formulate resolutions to address them. The tour provided the HAB team with insights into the workings of local government and the importance of citizen involvement in governance.

Visit to ALDA’s Office in Brussels, Belgium

The HAB team also visited ALDA’s office in Brussels, Belgium, to learn about some of the projects implemented by the office that are relevant to the V4GCP project. ALDA Brussels presented their internal office operations and management, showcasing how their team works collaboratively to achieve the organization’s mission. The ALDA office was actively working on promoting civic engagements in the lead-up to the European Elections in June 2024.

In addition to this, ALDA Brussels presented their ongoing projects under the thematic hubs of ALDA. They provided detailed insights into various initiatives, including a project case study on the SCEPA Project, which was carried out in Northwestern Europe to address issues of energy poverty. This presentation highlighted the practical applications of ALDA’s work and its impact on local communities, offering valuable lessons for the HAB team to apply in their own projects.

Meeting with Etterbeek Municipality in Brussels, Belgium

The HAB team also met with representatives from the Etterbeek Municipality in Brussels. During this meeting, the team learned about the municipality’s functions and the services it provides to its residents. One particularly interesting aspect of the Etterbeek Municipality is the existence of an Advisory Council, which is formed by voluntary citizens. This council addresses issues within various social and economic thematic areas, such as disability, mobility, safety, and culture. This model of citizen involvement allows the municipality to effectively tackle local challenges by incorporating diverse perspectives and expertise from the community.

Meeting with Unioncamere (UC) Del Veneto, Brussels, Belgium

The HAB team also met with representatives from Unioncamere (UC) Del Veneto, based in Brussels, Belgium, an association that represents five trade associations based in Northern Italy. Unioncamere Del Veneto plays a crucial role in supporting its member associations through various functions and services. These include providing specialized training programs tailored to the needs of its members, lobbying on their behalf to influence policy decisions, and offering technical and planning assistance to help businesses navigate complex regulatory environments and achieve their development goals.

In addition to these functions, Unioncamere Del Veneto actively promotes the Veneto Region of Italy, showcasing its economic potential and fostering regional development. The association serves as a vital link between its member associations and EU institutions, including the EU Parliament. By acting as a bridge, Unioncamere Del Veneto facilitates communication and collaboration between local businesses and European policymakers, ensuring that the interests and concerns of its members are effectively represented at the European level.

During the meeting, the HAB team gained valuable insights into how Unioncamere Del Veneto operates and how it supports its members. The team learned about the association’s strategies for advocating on behalf of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and promoting innovation and competitiveness within the region. The meeting highlighted the importance of such intermediary organizations in fostering economic development and enhancing the capabilities of local businesses to engage in broader markets and policy discussions. This knowledge will be instrumental for the HAB team in applying similar strategies to support the development of the private sector in Bhutan.

Meeting with Vice Mayor of Brussels City

The HAB team had the privilege of meeting with the Vice Mayor of Brussels City. During this insightful meeting, the HAB team learned about the various participatory methods employed by the city to engage its citizens in the decision-making processes related to urban development and other municipal matters.

The Vice Mayor elaborated on the Participatory Method framework utilized by the city, which is structured around four key steps: Inform, Consult, Discuss, and Decide. This comprehensive approach ensures that citizens are well-informed about upcoming projects and decisions, consulted for their opinions and feedback, involved in meaningful discussions, and finally, part of the decision-making process.

To illustrate the effectiveness of this participatory framework, the Vice Mayor provided real-life examples of implemented projects. One such example was the redevelopment of a major public square, where citizens were informed about the proposed changes through public notices and community meetings. Following this, consultations were held to gather feedback and suggestions from residents, which were then discussed in town hall meetings and workshops. The final decision was made with significant input from the community, ensuring that the project reflected the needs and desires of the citizens.

Another example highlighted was a city-wide initiative to improve public transportation. The process began with an informational campaign to educate residents on the current challenges and proposed solutions. Consultations were then conducted through surveys and public forums, allowing citizens to voice their concerns and ideas. These inputs were discussed in collaborative sessions with city planners and transportation experts before finalizing the plans. This method not only improved the quality of the projects but also fostered a sense of ownership and trust among the citizens.

The Vice Mayor’s presentation demonstrated how Brussels City effectively integrates citizen participation into its governance model, leading to more transparent, inclusive, and effective urban development. The HAB team was inspired by these examples and recognized the potential for applying similar participatory methods in Bhutan to enhance community engagement and ensure that development projects align with the needs and preferences of the local population.

Meetings with ALDA

The HAB team had several important meetings with ALDA to discuss the V4GCP project and explore opportunities for future collaboration. These meetings took place at ALDA’s office in Vicenza, Italy, and provided a platform for detailed discussions about the project’s scope, objectives, and the specific roles and activities of ALDA within the framework of V4GCP.

Meeting with ALDA in Vicenza, Italy

During the meetings in Vicenza, the HAB team and ALDA representatives engaged in thorough discussions about the V4GCP project, focusing on how ALDA’s expertise and resources could be utilized to achieve the project’s goals. They reviewed the project’s objectives, timelines, and expected outcomes, and clarified the specific responsibilities that ALDA would assume in the implementation of the project. This included detailing how ALDA’s experience in local democracy and citizen engagement could be leveraged to support the V4GCP project’s initiatives in Bhutan.

One of the key topics of discussion was ALDA’s upcoming mission to Bhutan in 2024. The team explored the potential areas of collaboration and outlined the steps required to prepare for this mission. This included identifying the specific objectives of ALDA’s visit, planning activities, and setting up a framework for effective cooperation between ALDA and HAB. The discussions also touched upon how the insights gained from ALDA’s mission could be applied to strengthen the V4GCP project and ensure that it effectively addresses the needs of Bhutanese communities.

In addition to discussing the V4GCP project, the HAB team was introduced to the process of becoming a member of ALDA. The team received a detailed orientation on the benefits and responsibilities of ALDA membership, including the procedures for registration and the criteria for joining. This orientation provided the HAB team with a clear understanding of how to become an official member of ALDA, which would facilitate further collaboration and integration into ALDA’s network of local democracy practitioners.

Meeting with Secretary General of ALDA

Following the meetings in Vicenza, the HAB team traveled to Brussels for a final, high-level discussion with the Secretary General of ALDA, Antonella Valmorbida. In this meeting, Ms. Valmorbida expressed ALDA’s strong interest in developing long-term collaboration plans between ALDA and HAB. She outlined ALDA’s commitment to bringing best practices in good governance and local democracy from Europe to Bhutan, aiming to adapt these practices to the Bhutanese context.

Ms. Valmorbida proposed several potential areas for future projects, emphasizing how ALDA could support HAB in implementing initiatives that promote effective governance and citizen engagement in Bhutan. She also outlined a plan for linking HAB with other ALDA members and partners, creating opportunities for joint projects and collaborative efforts that extend beyond the initial V4GCP project. This included exploring avenues for technical support, knowledge exchange, and the development of new initiatives that align with the goals of both organizations.

The discussions with Ms. Valmorbida highlighted a shared vision for strengthening democratic practices and fostering local development in Bhutan. The HAB team was encouraged by the prospect of a sustained partnership with ALDA, which promises to bring valuable international experience and support to their future projects.

The meetings with ALDA were instrumental in laying the groundwork for a fruitful and enduring collaboration between HAB and ALDA. They set the stage for future cooperation and established a clear path for achieving the goals of the V4GCP project, as well as exploring new opportunities for joint ventures and shared learning.