
Dozo is the art of traditional Bhutanese masonry or stonework. This craft is used to build stupas, dzongs, temples, and foundations for buildings, support walls and flagstone courtyards. Classic examples of Bhutanese stonework include the stupas of Chorten Kora in Trashiyangtse in the east and Chendebji in central Bhutan. Dozo is also used to build rustic stone farmhouses.
The massive walls of the Bhutanese dzongs and temples are perhaps some of the best examples of Dozo in Bhutanese history. The task comprised working a block out of a rock laid next to, or on top of, another massive rock. The master-mason supervised the angles of the wall. Other examples include Mani walls–a continuous length of stone wall inscribed with religious mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. In many significant parts of Bhutan, Bumthang in central Bhutan, and Laya and Lingshi in the north, as well as the south and eastern parts of the country, are built of stone.