The Future is Now: Bhutan Embraces Bamboo as a Renewable Alternative to Timber

Handicrafts Association of Bhutan

Bamboo has been internationally recognized as the “green gold” of the wilderness for its wide range of products including handicrafts, textiles, construction materials and more. Not only is it a renewable resource, but it is also environmentally friendly and has the capability of providing ecological and economic security to people and communities. Moreover, bamboo is a great carbon sink owing to its higher toxic absorption capacity, making it a sustainable alternative to traditional timber.

HAB’s Community-based Sustainable Bamboo Enterprise Development (C-BED) project will not only reduce pressure on timber but also create job opportunities and increase income for the rural communities in Lower Kheng, Zhemgang. The project will focus on the processing and production of bamboo products that can substitute timber and contribute to the country’s efforts towards sustainable development. The support from the Global Environment Facility-Small Grants Program under the UNDP-Bhutan will help HAB to make this project a reality and contribute to the preservation of Bhutan’s natural resources.